In a heartwarming celebration of love and unity, the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Trinidad recently organized a Mass Wedding, joining together 31 couples in matrimony on December 9, 2023. The auspicious event took place at St. Isidore Parish, marking a significant tradition in the town’s annual calendar.

This noble initiative is a testament to the town’s commitment to fostering community bonds and promoting the institution of marriage. The Mass Wedding is a cherished tradition that offers couples an opportunity to formalize their commitment in a collective and joyous ceremony.

The logistical aspects of the Mass Wedding were efficiently managed by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) office, under the capable leadership of Maam Nila Tubo and her dedicated team. The invaluable support of town officials, led by Mayor Atty Roberto C. Cajes, Ph.D, ensured the seamless execution of the event.

Mayor Robert C. Cajes played a pivotal role in orchestrating the success of the Mass Wedding, contributing to the smooth coordination of various elements. His dedication to community-building events like these reflects his deep-rooted belief in the importance of shared joy and celebration.

The spiritual facet of the ceremony was expertly facilitated by the clergy of St. Isidore Parish, with Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Paulito Amplayo leading the proceedings. Rev. Fr. Jeff Camargo and Rev. Fr. Matt Gonzales also played integral roles, contributing to the solemnity and sanctity of the occasion. Their presence and blessings added a spiritual dimension to the union of the newlyweds.

Mayor Atty and Vice Mayor Fernando Erio Cajes actively participated in the ceremony, witnessing the exchange of vows and pledging support to the newlyweds as they embarked on their journey together. Their involvement underscored the town’s commitment to being an integral part of the milestones in its residents’ lives.

The success of the LGU Trinidad Mass Wedding is a result of collective efforts and the spirit of community engagement. The gesture of bringing together couples in a collective ceremony not only strengthens the bonds between individuals but also reinforces the sense of community and togetherness.

As the newlyweds embark on their marital journey, the town of Trinidad extends its heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to each couple. May their union be filled with love, understanding, and shared joy, and may the LGU’s commitment to community-centric events continue to flourish in the years to come.