
The Vision to establish an affordable College in the Municipality of Trinidad was not realized overnight. It took many years of trials, hardships and collective efforts to bring forth what is now popularly known as TRINIDAD MUNICIPAL COLLEGE, one of the fastest growing Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Province of Bohol. 

It started in 1980 when Mr. Paciano Petarco initiated the plan for the project of establishing a college institution in the town. He then consulted and sought the help of the Municipal Mayor that time, Atty. Avelino N. Puracan, who consequently assured him to look for competent financier/sponsor to start the project.

Incidentally, the Mayor meet a certain Antero Delos Reyes, a Davao-based educator, a businessman and owner of a private vocational school, in an occasion in Davao where the Mayor was invited as guest speaker by Trinidadnon Association in Davao. He requested Mr. Delos Reyes in putting up a branch of his private vocational school in Trinidad who eventually granted his request. The lone antiquated building in Trinidad, Bohol, used and inaugurated in 1957 as the original Municipal Hall of Trinidad was then converted in the year 1980 into this private school named as Trinidad Institute of Technology (TIT). TIT offered short-term vocational courses, such as Typewriting, Stenography, Tailoring and Bookkeeping.

However, TIT did not last longer than a semester as it “died a natural death”, so to speak. Earnest in their intention to establish a lasting college in the town that would offer affordable yet quality education to students form the lower income families not only from Trinidad but also from the neighboring town did not go in vain. It was in 1985 that Mayor Puracan and Mr. Petarco and the rest of the Municipal Officials at that time spearheaded some affluent Trinidadnons to form themselves as Incorporators, thereby instrumental in the recognition and registration of the TRINIDAD JUNIOR COLLEGE with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the same year 1985 with SEC No. 136393 using the same antiquated Municipal Hall as its school building, the same edifice vacated by Trinidad Institute of Technology.

On October 23, 1986, the Municipality of Trinidad donated the land including the
building and the improvements thereon, to TRINIDAD JUNIOR COLLEGE which then
offered the following courses, namely:
1. 2 years Diploma in Applied Technology major in Electricity and Construction
2. 2 years Associate in Secretarial Administration
3. 2 years Automotive Mechanic Course
4. 1 year General Clerical Course

In 1993, a Bachelor of Arts degree was approved by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS).

After more than a decade of moderate existence, TRINIDAD JUNIOR COLLEGE faced a pressing risk of extinction. Wise enough in finding a solution, the Incorporators came up with a redemptive decision in a meeting to turn over, by way of a DEED OF SALE (CONFIRMATION OF TRANSFER OF OWNERHIP), the Ownership, Management and Control of TRINIDAD JUNIOR COLLEGE to the Local Government of Trinidad under the leadership of then Municipal Mayor, Engr. Filadelfo A. Garcia, Vice Mayor Francisco U. Gonzales and the Sangguniang Bayan Members during their term on August 1, 2003. 

The sale by the Incorporators effectively transformed Trinidad Junior College into what is now known as the TRINIDAD MUNICIPAL COLLEGE (TMC), from 1997 up to present, one of the fastest growing Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Philippines.

Before Mayor Judith Del Rosario-Cajes assumed as the newly elected mayor of Trinidad on June 30, 2007, Trinidad Municipal College has a total enrolment of only 510 students. TMC became a recipeint of RA 10931 otherwise known as Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Act (UAQTEA) on the 2nd semester of academic year 2018-2019. Trinidad Municipal College was recognized by the Commission of Higher Education (CHED) as Higher Education Institution (HEI) pursuant to Commission en banc Resolution No. 564-2020 dated August 18, 2020.

At present, under the dynamic, strong and creative leadership of Former Mayor JUDITH DEL ROSARIO CAJES, wife of former congressman, and now Mayor ATTY. ROBERTO C. CAJES, Ph.D., TRINIDAD MUNICIPAL COLLEGE (TMC) quickly and steadily started to evolve physically and academically to meet the standards of a dynamically changing world of education and employment. As of 1st Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023, TRINIDAD MUNICIPAL COLLEGE has a total enrolment of more than 7,000 students and offers the following courses, to wit:

1.) Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT)

With Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) 
No. 0040 S. 2021, dated: December 27, 2021


2.) Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA)

With Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) 
No. 026 S. 2022, dated: April 07, 2022

3.) Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (BA PolSci)

With Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) 
No. 052 S. 2022, dated: April 25, 2022

4.) Bachelor of Arts in Communication (BA Comm)

With Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) 
No. 074 S. 2022, dated: June 03, 2022

5.) Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) major in English

With Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) 
No. 061 S. 2022, dated: May 13, 2022

6.) Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)

With Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) 
No. 062 S. 2022 Cebu City, dated: May 13, 2022

7.) Bachelor of Science in Criminology (BSCrim)

With Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) 
No. 057 S. 2022, dated: May 10, 2022



1.) Automotive Servicing (AS) NC-I
2.) Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC-I
3.) Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC-II

The aforementioned courses and programs offer TMC students the opportunity of acquiring knowledge, competencies and skills, thus providing them with a greater possibility of employment and to advance in professional field.

During the June 2022 Licensure Examination for Criminologist (LEC), TMC placed top 8 throughout the Philippines in the person of Criminologist Crisiolo M. Langamen, Jr. graduate of Batch 2021.

With education funding facing a myriad of issues and problems and higher tuition possible in many other tertiary institutions, Trinidad Municipal College, is the only LGU managed institution that, despite the economic downturn, could satisfy the pangs of hunger for education of every Trinidadnon and non-Trinidadnons alike as it prides on being one of the HEIs in the Philippines that offers free higher education as CHED Recognized Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs) with the most affordable tuition fees for non-UNIFAST scholars without compromising quality education.

TMC welcomes all students from all walks of life irrespective of socio-economic
conditions, disability, religion, race or cultural backgrounds provided they meet the
admission requirements and retention policies as provided in this manual.

TMC is guided with the following vision, mission and goal:

VISION: A model institution with fully developed academic, technical-vocational education and skill of manpower with positive work attitudes anchored in the core values of leadership and professionalism essential in the creation of self-reliant citizens.

MISSION: To build well-trained, competent and employable professionals, who will meet the demands of the local and international work places.

GOAL: TMC aims at evolving a whole individual as a child of God and a member of a democratic society who is professionally competent that can provide leadership and advance knowledge, well-trained in a certain vocation not only to help himself but to help others, and practical yet responsible and obedient to the laws of God and to the laws of the government.

PHILOSOPHY: TMC adheres to the philosophy that education is life and growth guided by faith in God and love of fellowmen in an environment of competitiveness, professionalism and excellence.

SLOGAN: TMC is committed to public educational services second to none.

College of Teacher Education

      • Bachelor of Elementary Education major in General Content
      • Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English

College of Arts and Sciences

      • Bachelor of Arts major in Political Science
      • Bachelor of Arts major in Communication

College of Computer Studies

      • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

College of Criminal Justice Education

      • Bachelor of Science in Criminology

College of Office Administration

      • Bachelor of Science in Office Administration


Technical-Vocational Course:

      • Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC I
      • Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II
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It is with immense pride and honor that we, along with the members of the Alumni Association’s Board of Trustees, announce that our Alumni Association is now officially registered with theSecurities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a non-stock, non-profit corporation. We are nowknown as the Trinidad Municipal College (Bohol) Alumni Association Inc., with Company Reg. No. 2024010134002-93. This significant milestone would not have been possible without the unwavering support of the Board of Trustees of Trinidad Municipal College (TMC), led by its Chairperson, Honorable Mayor Attorney Roberto C. Cajes, PhD.

Although the Alumni Association possesses its own legal personality, a separate and distinct from TMC, we remain committed to upholding the mission of TMC: “To build well-trained, competent, and employable professionals who will meet the demands of the local and international workplaces.” We aim to strengthen the ties between and among TMC alumni, encouraging active participation in the continued development of TMC.

As alumni, we are the living legacy of our alma mater. Wherever life takes us, we must uphold the virtues of academics, leadership, and professionalism instilled in us by TMC. Even when we are not physically present on campus, we carry with us the values and education imparted by TMC. Our achievements in our personal and professional lives reflect the excellence of our beloved
alma mater.

As a newly SEC-registered association, we are excited to contribute to TMC’s further development. We plan to initiate programs, projects, and activities that will benefit our alumni, our alma mater, and other stakeholders. We look forward to the support and involvement of TMC alumni worldwide in making these initiatives a reality.

We hope to see you on the TMC grounds once again and together we shall achieve greater

Proposed TMC Extension at Barangay Tagum Norte, Trinidad, Bohol.