Trinidad, Bohol – July 15, 2023

The municipality of Trinidad in Bohol was abuzz with excitement and pride as they witnessed one of their own, Miss Rose Jane Rayla Israel, shine on the grand stage of the Miss Bohol 2023 pageant. Her journey to success was filled with challenges, hard work, and determination that culminated in her achieving the title of Miss Bohol 2023.

Born and raised in Trinidad, Miss Rose Jane Rayla Israel was nurtured by the love and support of her parents, Mrs. Joy Rayla Israel and Mr. Pricilliano Israel. Growing up in a community, she developed a strong sense of cultural pride and community values that would later become the driving force behind her aspirations.

Academically gifted and driven, Miss Rose pursued a degree in Civil Engineering at the Cebu Institute of Technology in Cebu City. Despite juggling her studies and her dreams of joining pageants, she excelled in her academic pursuits, laying a solid foundation for her future.

Her pageant journey commenced at the grassroots level, participating in local Barangay pageants that served as stepping stones to greater heights. With each competition, she honed her skills, gaining confidence and experience that set her apart from the rest.

Miss Rose’s dedication and passion were evident as she climbed the pageant ladder, participating in Municipality-level and School with pageant titles:

  • Miss Bohol’s Governor’s Cup- Second District of Bohol
  • Mutya sa Buahanan (Miss Camiguin) 2022 Third Runner-Up
  • Miss DUERO MAYOR’S CUP 2022 representing the Municipality of Trinidad
  • Miss Barili Fiesta Queen 2022
  • Miss Civil Engineering of CIT-University 2019
  • Miss Philippine Institute of Civil Engineering 2019 Interschool – representing CIT-U

Garnering admiration and accolades along the way. As she progressed, she found herself representing Trinidad, Bohol, on the prestigious stage of Miss Bohol 2023, mentored and guided by Hon. Joan Robie C. Imboy.

Hon. Joan Robie C. Imboy, a respected figure in the community, served as Miss Rose’s mentor throughout her pageant journey. As a seasoned public servant and advocate for youth development, she recognized the potential in Miss Rose and selflessly offered her guidance and support.

During the Miss Bohol 2023 pageant, Miss Rose’s captivating charm and grace were on full display. In the Boholana Costume competition, she portrayed the Karomata Festival of Trinidad, a heartfelt tribute to St. Isidore the Laborer. Her performance earned her the title of 2nd Runner Up, celebrating her hometown’s rich cultural heritage.

But her success didn’t stop there. Miss Rose also shone in other segments of the pageant. Her poise and confidence on stage secured her the Best in Production Number award, and her undeniable charm won her the Smart People’s Choice Award and crowned as Miss Bohol 2023 2nd Runner Up.

The news of Miss Rose’s triumph spread like wildfire, bringing immense pride to the people of Trinidad. Her achievement not only showcased her individual talent and hard work but also became an inspiration for the entire community and aspiring young individuals who dream of success beyond their small town.

I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for the support I received from my family, friends, and the entire Trinidad community,” Miss Rose expressed. “This journey was challenging, but it taught me valuable lessons of perseverance and staying true to my roots. I hope to be an inspiration to others, showing them that no dream is too big, and with determination, anything is possible.

The Mayor of Trinidad, Atty. Roberto C. Cajes, Ph.D, congratulated Miss Rose on her success, stating, “We are immensely proud of Miss Rose’s accomplishments. She has represented our municipality with grace and pride. Her achievements serve as a testament to the talent and potential that thrives within our community. Miss Rose is a shining brightly and inspiring us all.”

As the spotlight dims on the Miss Bohol 2023 pageant, Miss Rose Jane Rayla Israel returns to Trinidad, her heart filled with gratitude and newfound confidence. Her remarkable journey reminds us that dreams do come true, and sometimes, the most extraordinary stars are found in the unlikeliest places.