Under the vibrant Trinidad sun, the municipality witnessed a momentous event as Senator Francis N. Tolentino, in collaboration with the local government, spearheaded the distribution of AICS financial assistance to 600 beneficiaries. The event, graced by the presence of Senator Tolentino, Mayor Atty. Roberto C. Cajes, Former Mayor Judith Del Rosario Cajes, and Hon. Joan Cajes Imboy, showcased a remarkable display of community solidarity and support.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) joined forces with the local authorities to ensure the seamless distribution of aid, which included the provision of six wheelchairs to those in need. Beyond the tangible assistance provided, Senator Tolentino’s visit brought a sense of optimism and renewed hope to the residents of Trinidad.

In his address to the beneficiaries and representatives from Trinidad Municipal College, Senator Tolentino expressed his unwavering commitment to the town’s welfare. He emphasized the importance of continued support and engagement, promising to stand by the community in its journey towards progress and development.

The event was not solely focused on financial aid; it symbolized a deeper partnership between the government and the people—a bond built on mutual respect and shared aspirations. As a gesture of goodwill, Senator Tolentino organized a raffle draw, spreading joy and positivity among the attendees.

Looking towards the future, Senator Tolentino announced plans for a return visit in October. During this anticipated trip, he pledged to bring medical experts and doctors to conduct a much-needed medical mission, reaffirming his commitment to improving access to healthcare services for all residents.

The AICS payout event in Trinidad was more than just a distribution of assistance—it was a celebration of unity, resilience, and hope. As Trinidad continues its journey forward, it does so with the assurance that Senator Tolentino and the government stand firmly beside them, ready to support and uplift the community in times of need.